Hana Hope

旅のゆくえ (English version) – Hana Hope

A journey I started long ago
You came into my life, changed my world, changed it all
Every time that I think to myself“I’m not alone”
I keep fearing one day, what if I lose it all

To a place where we can keep on laughing the same
I know we’ll find the way

Look up to the sky, see the clouds, how they fly
Heading into the unknown, don’t ever stop
Just keep moving on
You’re the reason why I believe in our way
With you, I know we can go where we want
Listen to the voice in our hearts, let it take us to another place
Stepping beyond the wind and the storms, to a brighter day
With your hand in mine, all I want is to keep going
Let’s send a prayer into the sky
We’ll wipe our tears away

The city, the people, how they change
I remembered the pain, all the sad memories
“Together forever…” so I keep telling myself
Overwriting my worries with a wish for us

Since that day, it’s always been your words and your voice
Guiding me through the haze

The sun rising high in the clear morning sky
Even the darkest of nights with no end in sight
Always sees the light

Look up to the sky, see the stars, how they shine
Together just like you and I, here side by side
We’ll keep moving on

Sharing every joy, every fear in our way
With you, I know we can face any test
Although the future ahead may be fleeting, hope will never fade
Breaking beyond the forest of mist to a brighter day
All I wish for tonight is to keep this journey going
Moon in the sky, looking up high,
I wiped my tears away


leave me blind – Hana Hope

You told me that the world would never endwhen you looked in my eyes butThe moon

たゆたう – Hana Hope

また一つの季節が巡って 鳥は次の大空を渡る青い果実を守った森が 朝焼けを真似て葉を染めてゆくこの涙も いつの日か乾くのたゆたう ah ゆらゆら 私は 移ろう遠い

flowers – Hana Hope


flowers(English version) – Hana Hope

In the silence of a world wearing a veil of misty rainSuddenly, I saw how cold t

消えるまで – Hana Hope

記憶たどり歩く両手で傷を隠し絆(ほだ)されたまま沈みゆく世界ただ纏う悲しみ鍵をかけた心の扉浚う(さらう)なら闇を消す正義は赤く燃える定めのように影を写し 堕ちて

passing forward – Hana Hope

流れてく夜はシネマのようにWe can not go back 記憶窓に映したアスファルト 尾を引くテールランプWandering down the timel

Rain Or Shine – Hana Hope

夜風をさまよう 未来からのしずく傘が口々に 歌をさえずる来ては去る Headlight しぶきをあげ踊ろう 果てのないDanceをうつむき加減のあの二人が 通い

旅のゆくえ – Hana Hope

長い旅の途中 君に出逢い うつろう景色“孤独(ひとり)じゃない” 思うその度失う怖さに気付いた今日も 笑い合える居場所 紡ぐ道へほらまるで 雲のように行方分から

サマータイム・ブルース – Hana Hope

気だるいままに口ずさんでたラジオからこぼれたメロディーSounds of summer sing in the back of minds that never

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