This fight will make or break me
This game will make or break me
Gang up on against Japanese pops
Gang up on against Japanese raps
Join hands to make a circle pinheads
Black hand in white hand in Yellow hand
Don’t withdraw into yourself
1998, we have more than enough worries
Sometime tears come to our eyes
1998, we have more than enough good songs
Many songs smile even at strangers
One Way – Dragon Ash One sided one way friendshipOne sided one up manshipOne must do one's duty!!One
SLASH – Dragon Ash We go'n slashCome back the game 照らしたflashCombat again 増した熱をsplashWe got duty Wak
REBELS – Dragon Ash Shake the dust from your flagShake the dust from your flagGet your head up, with
RAMPAGE – Dragon Ash Be on the rampage 鳴らしたoriginal styleeちゃちなフェンス蹴散らすくらいに暴れ回れ満タンのヘッズ パンパンのフェスからワンマンの
DREAMIN – Dragon Ash Dreamin' アスファルト 泥だらけのクツあふれDreamin' 灰色の風から俺達は 生まれボルト&ナットのしくみで 組みこまれる街で爆弾にはなれない OH
Amploud – Dragon Ash Make mo' noize Garra Make some noizeMake mo' noize Garra Make some noizeKeep it