坂本美雨 with CANTUS

The Kiss – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

Love, risin’ from the mists
Promise me this and only this
Holy breath touchin’ me
Like a wind song
Sweet communion of a kiss

Sun, siftin’ thru the grey
Enter in, reach me with a ray
Silently swoopin’ down
Just to show me
How to give my heart away

Once a crystal choir
Appeared while I was sleepin’ and called my name
And when they came down nearer
Sayin’, “Dyin’ is done”
Then a new song was sung
Until somewhere we breathed as one
And still I hear their whisper

Stars, burstin’ in the sky,
Hear the sad nova’s dyin’ cry
Shimmerin’ memory
Come and hold me
While you show me how to fly

Sun, siftin’ thru the grey
Enter in, reach me with a ray
Silently swoopin’ down
Just to show me
How to give my heart away

Lately sparklin’ hosts
Come fill my dreams descendin’ on firey beams
I’ve seen ‘em come clear down
Where our poor bodies lay
Soothe us gently and say
“Gonna wipe all your tears away”
And still I hear their whisper

Love risin’ from the mists
Promise me this and only this
Holy breath touchin’ me
Like a wind song
Sweet communion of a kiss


pie jesu – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

Pie Jesu, pie Jesu,pie Jesu, pie JesuQui tollis peccata mundiDona eis requiem,do

When You Wish Upon A Star ~星に願いを~ – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

When you wish upon a starMake no difference who you areAnything your heart desir

星めぐりの歌 – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

あかいめだまの さそりひろげた鷲の つばさあをいめだまの 小いぬ、ひかりのへびの とぐろ。オリオンは高く うたひつゆとしもとを おとす、アンドロメダの くもはさ

ノスタルジア – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

ハシレハシレ ハクバノムレ タカクタカク イナナケスミシヒトミ ウルワシクテ カワスコトバ ナニモイラナイカゼノウタニ ミミスマセバ ユレルオヨグ クロカミスナ

遠い町で – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

離れていても 君の心 いつも見てる遠くにいても 君の涙 僕は見える抱きしめて あげたいと思うたびに 季節が離れてゆく見知らぬ町に 積もる雪も 僕は見えるこごえる

The Other Side of Love – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

Looking for fun was just a game to meNever knew what each lonely day would bring

いにしえの子守歌 – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

いとしい娘よいつも そばにいるわおやすみなさい母に抱かれていとしい娘よいつも そばにいるわおやすみなさい母に抱かれていつの日にも天の恵み ありますように幸多き日

ダニー・ボーイ – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

Oh, Danny boy, the pipes the pipes are calling,From glen to glen and down the mo

ブラームスの子守歌 – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

ねんねんころり 母のひざは夢を誘う ゆりかごよねんねんころり 母の歌に月も昇る 夢の小道ゆらり ゆらり ゆらり揺れて夢の園へ 乳をのみにゆらり ゆらり ゆらり揺

メトロポリタン美術館 – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS


Dream – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

I was a little girl,Alone in my little worldWho dreamed of a little home for me.

The Water Is Wide – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

The water is wide, I can't cross overAnd Neither have I wings to flyGive me a bo

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