坂本美雨 with CANTUS

Dream – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

I was a little girl,
Alone in my little world
Who dreamed of a little home for me.
I played pretend between the trees,
And fed my houseguests bark and leaves,
And laughed in my pretty bed of green.

I had a dream
That I could fly from the highest swing.
I had a dream.

Long walks in the dark though
Woods grown behind the park,
I asked God who I’m supposed to be.
The stars smiled down on me,
God answered in silent reverie.
I said a prayer and fell asleep.

I had a dream
That I could fly from the highest tree.
I had a dream.

Now I’m old and feeling grey.
I don’t know what’s left to say
About this life I’m willing to leave.
I lived it full and I lived it well,
There’s many tales I’ve lived to tell.
I’m ready now, I’m ready now, I’m ready now,
To fly from the highest wing.

I had a dream.

dream dream ……


pie jesu – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

Pie Jesu, pie Jesu,pie Jesu, pie JesuQui tollis peccata mundiDona eis requiem,do

When You Wish Upon A Star ~星に願いを~ – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

When you wish upon a starMake no difference who you areAnything your heart desir

星めぐりの歌 – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

あかいめだまの さそりひろげた鷲の つばさあをいめだまの 小いぬ、ひかりのへびの とぐろ。オリオンは高く うたひつゆとしもとを おとす、アンドロメダの くもはさ

ノスタルジア – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

ハシレハシレ ハクバノムレ タカクタカク イナナケスミシヒトミ ウルワシクテ カワスコトバ ナニモイラナイカゼノウタニ ミミスマセバ ユレルオヨグ クロカミスナ

遠い町で – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

離れていても 君の心 いつも見てる遠くにいても 君の涙 僕は見える抱きしめて あげたいと思うたびに 季節が離れてゆく見知らぬ町に 積もる雪も 僕は見えるこごえる

The Other Side of Love – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

Looking for fun was just a game to meNever knew what each lonely day would bring

いにしえの子守歌 – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

いとしい娘よいつも そばにいるわおやすみなさい母に抱かれていとしい娘よいつも そばにいるわおやすみなさい母に抱かれていつの日にも天の恵み ありますように幸多き日

ダニー・ボーイ – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

Oh, Danny boy, the pipes the pipes are calling,From glen to glen and down the mo

The Kiss – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

Love, risin' from the mistsPromise me this and only thisHoly breath touchin' meL

ブラームスの子守歌 – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

ねんねんころり 母のひざは夢を誘う ゆりかごよねんねんころり 母の歌に月も昇る 夢の小道ゆらり ゆらり ゆらり揺れて夢の園へ 乳をのみにゆらり ゆらり ゆらり揺

メトロポリタン美術館 – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS


The Water Is Wide – 坂本美雨 with CANTUS

The water is wide, I can't cross overAnd Neither have I wings to flyGive me a bo

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