Continue along the way, which I believe in.
If I am wrong I am right.
I don’t care about it anymore
Being and time.
Analyze the present state well.
Protect what you protect and rack up a lot more.
Is there a pride and know-how?
The way is required at all times.
Aren’t ideals fed up yet?
Otherwise show me the way.
If that’s no good I can’t go there right now.
Try to persuade me.
I go under cover
You go under cover too.
We should not be rash
We should wait for a good time.
And ultimately one day your moment comes.
I know that I need to take my finger out
I will figure it out.
I recalled that when I least expected to.
Even now, I still sometimes remorse those things.
And still life goes on.
And all that you have to do, is be true to you
One day your moment comes.
BEER! – LONGMAN 昼のBEER! 昼のBEER!I can drink this all day.街灯の明かりの合図で一杯やるのが当たり前の幸せになっていった毎日また別の非日常的
Someday – LONGMAN I search for my lies.I look up at the sky.I'm getting lost that I don't know wha
Never end – LONGMAN I drop in from time to time.たまにいつもと違うこともいいかなそこに行くのに必要なものを持っていたらもうGO!I wonder if
Slowly – LONGMAN What's the most important thing?I don't know. I don't find a way.What am I gonna
Realize – LONGMAN It wasn't supposed to go this way.It won't last long.Do you only care for now?Do
Back Home – LONGMAN 君にうつした僕の姿は 不器用なほど霞んで消え背中の広さを見つめて 憧れとため息の中日々時に生まれる悩み不安とその狭間の出せない心分かったフリしてただ時が流れるの
WITH YOU – LONGMAN When you don't quiet understand yourselfIt is time to reflect on your past.That
Will – LONGMAN You are still cool as everYou are still nice as everI wanted to be like you.It's
WALKING – LONGMAN 夢の中何思い何を願いこのまま走り続けていくかないつまでも今のまま変わらなきゃいいのになんて言えなかったんだYou should know that we nev
FEEL GOOD – LONGMAN この歌が届く頃僕たちはどんな風かな約束できる訳じゃなくただ明日に託しつづけていたあても無く進んだ立ち止まることもできずにおびえる心に向かって強くなろうとつぶやい
IT IS TIME – LONGMAN I wanna take you throughIn my head I get itThere is no safe course.Where? Where
No End – LONGMAN You said,“An end can be a start”I felt like it everydayI don't give up in my min
Excuse – LONGMAN I find I'm so excited.I'll live a new life.The world is getting bigger and bigge
BY MY SIDE – LONGMAN さびかけた心の奥底でまだ僕は夢を見つめたままいつまでもそこにあったそれはゆっくりと消えかけていたかもしれないな僕はまだ変わらないと思っていた“いつの日か”がずっ
Hole up – LONGMAN Now the time was come.What the hell going on.The thought of the future really de
Wish on – LONGMAN 朝焼けの中の雫が眩しそうにゆっくりと隠れていく変わりゆく風の中ではまだ少しは優しくなれたのかな君じゃないと意味がないのだからと君次第とあなたが残した声I wis
Weakly – LONGMAN 行き先が見えず 時だけ過ぎてく終わりたくはないよ負けたくないんだって今はもうみんなが輝いて見えるよ僕もいつかあんな風になれるかなOutside. No goin