cause you control me
when you lie when you can’t control it
if i die in your rule. that’s so easy
it’s time. I’ll go somewhere
let her go
i found my mona lisa 俺falling now
she said when I get happy 君もtoo right?
i can’t see your heart in my rules
let me go. leave me alone
That’s why I’m so humble
that’s why I’m so numb
i can’t see your heart in my rules
you control me
cause you control me
そうしたいend of my life
信じる事は難しくて マジめんどくせぇ
1人で居たいし居たくもねぇ マジめんどくせぇ俺
That’s why I’m so humble
that’s why I’m so numb
i can’t see your heart in my rules
you control me
cause you control me
CLEOPATRA – LEX i wonder if you know犯した 俺のさ crazy thingscleopatraはcryingshe know all my terrible
STAR – LEX mamaはtell me you're starboyso i wanna change my lifeいつもthinking about my dreami
THUNDERSTORM!! – LEX she said she lied to mei don't give a f**kwatch me手元で引くこのlinebig booty揺らしな今shaki
Bust down – LEX i wanna いつでもbust down他ではたりないからjust nowきらびやかな衣装にdress upどこでも俺らはまたfucked upi wanna
B.B.SIMON – LEX i got money.....too busy....she's so ugly 俺pass itbaby what you want? i got ice
Super – LEX you become frozenyou don't wanna miss ityour negative everything'sすぐ消えてくcause yo
ALIEN – LEX リンダ リンダ kisscause i want you リンダ pleaselinga linga inpussy don't need a humansdi
RockFord Hills – LEX too many friendsが薬take brokeイカれたLEXY 試すsuicideジュニフール パケget すぐにgo hometsune take
PENTAGON – LEX emo boy that's my bitchお前のじゃねーrich みかけだけ貧乏少年 ah okそれgang shit? わけねーし髪切れまずゲイ bitc
95 Project – LEX oh no 思い描いてたi lost 95までのprojectbad mind 話せtalking about憧れのさ2人 どこへ?oh no 思い描いてたi