lea seydoux – KID FRESINO

how can I go sneaker shopping with Complex??
we all are Noblesse
the best of all time I confess
get ticket to ride I go then
perhaps a year later
Y’all see me on red carpet
no one’s like me look perfect
この非凡な才を並べる棚は ない no market
I’m telling the truth I added
Ya need salt and sauce I added
little extra I added
take that free that free no payment
last night I saw you on magazine cover I called your mama
I get this money man

if gun in my face
I never back down 45 in your face hum a lullaby ouija
board don’t ever lie the billboard
me & my dogs on it no vice
me & my me & my dogs are winnin
deal? wanna deal wanna deal? I give in
最新の感性が錆びる今 メメントモリ
I’m ready for DJ compuma to play that!

rough ride I moving fast
I often leave my soul
The Watchman cruising down
I’m goofy if u call me so
we got no excuses ha
u ask us why we do this ha
u sit and play at chess
me no vex

I’m up in the woods I burn that tree
design and crash woulda been good
and you’re nowhere near too far to fight 手紙に添えるclue
if I lose imma cut my vein 俺の世話に疲れたbrain
雨がつたうsurface it ruined everything I planned it
Ok I’ll take u to court
A moment of bliss, A toast!
ナビに載せるstatue of kid
perform in crowd cool as it is
like Wheezy I’m on my PC take you Cartier 18k
rich mans bitch can’t handle me
I know you miss me

if gun in my face
I never back down 45 in your face hum a lullaby ouija
board don’t ever lie the billboard
me & my dogs on it no vice
me & my me & my dogs are winnin
deal? wanna deal wanna deal? I give in
最新の感性が錆びる今 メメントモリ
I’m ready for DJ compuma to play that!

rough ride I moving fast
I often leave my soul
The Watchman cruising down
I’m goofy if u call me so
we got no excuses ha
u ask us why we do this ha
u sit and play at chess
me no vex


Cats & Dogs feat. カネコアヤノ – KID FRESINO

music to my ears can you feel what I feel?今更 nothing makes me cry ゆえに雲は泣いてる your


I think about ur mad love is she good girl?look at my face I got a scarI rest my

Girl got a cute face ft. Campanella – KID FRESINO

black suit for a kilinI I got necklace on neck対面I dress for girl一旦 just a moment

dejavu ft. BIM, Shuta Nishida – KID FRESINO

she don't wanna say the same thingshe don't wanna she don't wanna say she miss h

youth ft. 長谷川白紙 – KID FRESINO

they all just wanna have fun without methe Longest night I decided to come clean

come get me – KID FRESINO

pull up to my housedrank too much I need break nowblowin the candle I sleep nowI


Sniper take out guys on a roof10k shit not enough for my crewso tell'em I do not


I think you better hide from me girltell me why we doin nowbaby I'll be right ba

Lungs ft. Otagiri – KID FRESINO

執拗に追走する猛禽のイメージ空想に囚われつつも常に合理的な自制心そのくせに いざとなると悲観的“Walk in the cage”すべて 光陰のせいにする進行形

incident ft. JAGGLA – KID FRESINO

繰り返し書くima poet 路地裏で目が合う猫には無い愛想今からじゃ叶わない夢を見る 覚えたwordsを切り売りして生きる今夜良い知らせだけを届ける 俺らにs


can i see a rose? imma open bud'fore i water me and i water thatin the wintertim

that place is burning feat. ハナレグミ – KID FRESINO

歩き出す足 朝焼けの匂いキラキラ光る 生まれたて空気恐竜の雲 駆け回る子供達広がる空 エアーポケット誰もいない窓 シャッター切る信じられる嘘 一人シーソーイイね


please don't look at me with your eyes cause i know i love u morethan u love me


start by sayinglike I'm j hus activate all your chakra ay ay ayFlet's see big sm

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