
End of The World – その名はスペィド

Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to dance?
Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to dance?
Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to dance?
Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to dance?
to dance? to dance? to dance?
dance? dance? dance? dance?
Are you ready to…
だんす ういず みい?

Keep on dancing for breaking we gonna ignore stupids
Keep on dancing for making to take back our future
Keep on dancing for breaking we don’t stop no more
Keep on dancing for making until the end of the world

Keep on dancing for breaking
Keep on dancing for making
Keep on dancing for breaking
Keep on dancing for making
Until the end of the world
Until the end of the world
Until the end of the world

Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to dance?
Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to…
だんす ういず みい?

Keep on dancing for breaking we gonna ignore stupids
Keep on dancing for making to take back our future
Keep on dancing for breaking we don’t stop no more
Keep on dancing for making until the end of the world

Keep on dancing for breaking
Keep on dancing for making
Keep on dancing for breaking
Keep on dancing for making
Until the end of the world
Until the end of the world
Until the end of the world

“All peoples say we want to dance more
If you have more than the despair of justice
You should follow me A.S.A.P.
why if,The end of the world is not far”

Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to dance?
(until the end of the world)
Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to dance?
(until the end of the world)
Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to dance?
(until the end of the world)
Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to dance?
(until the end of the world)
Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to dance?
(until the end of the world)
Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to dance?
(until the end of the world)
Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to dance?
(until the end of the world)
Are you ready to dance? Are you ready to…
だんす ういず みい?


Black Magic – その名はスペィド

マジカルマジカルミラクルミラクルマジカルマジカル マジで許さないミラクルミラクル 全部呪うのマジカルマジカル マジでありえないミラクルミラクル 全部壊れろマジカ

Hungry Army – その名はスペィド


STAR* – その名はスペィド

STAR* 目も眩む程STAR* 輝き放つSTAR* 最期の光 焼き尽くして全部STAR* 全ての罪もSTAR* 全ての罰もSTAR* 涙の海に 還す時がきたの

Killing me softly – その名はスペィド

やさしく愛してやさしく繋いでやさしく欺いてやさしくなんて 嘘なんて 嘘やさしく塞いでやさしくえぐってやさしくアレしてやさしくもう いっそもう いっそやさしく愛し

Obey Me? – その名はスペィド

You Must Obey MeアラガウクチビルシタガウガラクタアガナウクチヅケヒミツノツミトガYou Must Obey Me or Die, or Die孵

あいすくりぃむ – その名はスペィド


逆さまなワルツ – その名はスペィド


Hellbound – その名はスペィド

あなたの目の前でなんてイヤよ そんなはしたないわあなたのお望みの姿わたしすべて晒されてるわたしの目の前でそんな顔をしても許さないわわたしの本当の姿あなたすべて受

eyecatch -RSBH- – その名はスペィド


SweetHolic – その名はスペィド

Let's Go!!/Let's Go!!/Let's Go SPD!! x2おなかいっぱいマカロンたべたいイヤになるまでショコラもたべたいクリームまみれお風呂

Open the Curse – その名はスペィド

まじかるまじかる みらくるみらくるまじかるまじかる みらくるみらくる

わかんない – その名はスペィド

YOU わかんない わかんない あなたのお話 わかんないME つまんない つまんない 「退屈過ぎてもう死んじゃう」a a ah ah♪ I Don't Unde

アレタベタイナ – その名はスペィド


Trick or Die – その名はスペィド

悪戯好キノ アノ神サマタチノ永遠ニ続ク オ人形遊ビ嫌ナ事モ 嬉シイ事モ塗リ潰シテクレル 快楽ト苦痛大好キナアノ子 大嫌イナアイツ誰デモ良イノ “犯し / 可笑し

オドラナイワ – その名はスペィド

太陽 サングラスで 跳ね返すカクテルの氷 音をたてて溶けてゆくわええそうね 夜には Romanee-conti朝からDom Perignonで ああ ご機嫌最後

Stripe Stripe Stripe – その名はスペィド

Stripe Stripe Stripeだいたい毎日 in da Houseだいたい在宅 in da Houseだいたいだいたいだいたいだいたい在宅 in da

makeup↑ makedown↓ – その名はスペィド

I'm low, I'm low, I'm low, i'mI'm low, l'm feelin' lowoh oh oh oh, oh oh oh ohI'


これは霊障? and you don't stopいやな現象! and you don't stopなんて名称? and you don't stopkeep

とっても悲しいお話を笑った顔でしか話せないお人形の物語 – その名はスペィド

oh lord, oh lord, why did you abandon me?oh lord, oh lord, why did you abandon?W

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