I wake up to a light abrasive on some sunny day
I feel dejected ‘cos over the years I lost my way
I didn’t notice the seasons change
I’m wandering the streets in a daze I’m just walking aimlessly
Wanna see that figure in a mirror Just as long as it isn’t me
I couldn’t face it in the state I’m in
The more I love you, baby
The further you move from me
There must be something wrong in here
A spirit that I can’t see
The less I feel you lately
The more I’m going crazy
A car alarm wailing in a sleepless night
I didn’t notice your seasons change
I couldn’t process the signals that you gave
The more I love you, baby
The further you move from me
There must be something wrong with me
A nature that I don’t see
The more my heart is fading
When it calls to you late at night
You know I don’t need no persuading
That something in me isn’t right
‘Cos the less I feel you lately
The more I’m going crazy
A car alarm waning in the morning light
Kaeru St. – LEO今井 心がビリッと裂けたら Oh my godハートがギザッと裂けたら Oh my lord雨上がりの帰り道には蛙がぞろぞろ飛び出てたHey now トラブル 集って
Ame Zanza – LEO今井 空は一面煙色 空気がビリビリと脈動ヘビーウェザーがやって来る 淀んだ存在 生き返すざんざ ざんざ 雨からは歌ざんざ ざんざ 時雨が涙合羽を羽織っては出で立ち 鬼
CCTV – LEO今井 CCTV 観てろお前はレンズの向こうLook at me Look at youIn every detail but it don't seem trueLo
Doombox – LEO今井 I'm being swallowed by the soundComing out of her doombox speakersWant to resist
Omen Man – LEO今井 Satan toking rubber and tarGoing crazy in a hijacked cop carAsking me if I feel
Furaibo – LEO今井 歌えば 風来坊 救いは無し狂えば 風来坊 影ろう街魂の 往来と 絶えざる闇へ風来坊 乱れ飛び 転がる永遠と 山のふもとまで Keep on rollingネーム
Tabula Rasa – LEO今井 Nothing I've got nothing in my handsNothing as white Drawn a line in the sand真夏の
On Videotape – LEO今井 I can't recall all my memoriesThey blur and they bend like colours that bleedI c
Pulse – LEO今井 I can't pretend all my lifeI can't defend all my pride悔しさは染みの様で巻き戻しもできなくてでも脊髄の恍惚
Go On – LEO今井 Shame on me, shame, shame, shameThey glued my hands to my face so I can't see st
Metro – LEO今井 橙色は金が鳴る街銀座千代の深い緑は秩序を描くソナタ癒し系の色アクア何もネーゼ南北白黒混ざる日比谷マイケルジャクソン国際化地下通路から蛍光スピードで来たざわめくカ