
Sports Men – Kimonos

I’m worrying everyday
I could be anorexic
I’ll have to get into shape
Can’t seem to find the right charge
Your mother she might be a swimmer
Your father must have been a vaulter

Don’t put me in skates
Ping-pong I’m no great shakes
People say I’m weak
Can’t even hold her tight
You are the star of the poolside
Your streamline curves I can’t abide

I’ll be a good sport
I’ll be a sportsman

I’m not sleeping these days
Maybe insomniac
Quench my thirst..Flesh and blood
I’ve got this craving for you
Your brother, they call him Batman
Your sister, we know she’s Wonderwoman

I’m seeing Sundays
I could be apoplectic
The whole family gets in shape
Under the floodlight
People tell me I’m not strong
I can’t seem to find the right charge


The Girl In The Kimono Dress – Kimonos

あの暗い洞窟に入ってみよう見たことない動物を探してみよう甘い香りがただよって腹の虫が鳴りだした着物を着たお嬢さん 絵の中でくすくす笑って 奇麗だね通り過ぎる幻

Yureru – Kimonos

ゆれる 風の日のメロディーふれる 夏の日の香りぬれる 雨の日のメロディーずれる 穴だらけのメモリーもうちょっと 夕暮れまでふらふら ふらついてささくれ立った気持

Almost Human – Kimonos

The walk back home begins whenyou're far away off courseIt doesn't seem to matte

Miss – Kimonos


Mogura – Kimonos

I have been plagued by the desire to be sodifferent from every otherI've got a b

Soundtrack To Murder – Kimonos

一ツ橋に 寝っころがってる素浪人の亡骸ぱっくり割れた 手練の導き切り目の情け ぶった斬りThe soundtrack to murder砂埃が 巻き上がる血と血

Haiya – Kimonos

シーンとした部屋で 一人っきりで突っ立って天井見上げ でっかい声で叫ぶ涙まじりの小ちゃい小ちゃいため息を六畳一間の空中にまき散らすピーンと張りつめた冷ゃっこい冷

No Modern Animal – Kimonos

Hey animal How d'you get so big?I feel like a man But I live like a pigHey there

Tokyo Lights – Kimonos

東京電燈東京電燈が照る 嘘つく街を嘲る東京電燈東京電燈しみる 瞼の裏まで届く東京電燈人ごみがコングロってる僕には関係ないんです電気回線に水を注ぐ無我夢中で逃げる

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