Standing in the heart of TOKYO at the night Hey Hey Hey
この街の新参もの いいことあるかい?
話してごらん Say yes
Falling into the abyss of night Woo Woo Woo
この夜の不法もの いいことあるかい?
話してごらん Say yes
If you ever hear me singing what’s up (baby)
Woo 話すよ Happiness
walk along to the first corner
The blues of grow ups hu
Can you see 夢が唄うよ
Can you see 夢が唄うよ
Hear me singing lonely the blues of TOKYO oh what a night
Standing in the heart of TOKYO at the night CHE CHE CHE
この街の変わりもの いいもん食ったかい?
話してごらん Say yes
If you ever hear me singing baby (what’s up)
Stand up as high as you can be Baby (baby)
The blues of grow ups
Can you see 君に微笑むよ
Can you see 君に微笑むよ
You’ll see tower is smi I ling on you
Tower is smi I ling on you
Can you see 夢が唄うよ
Can you see 君に微笑むよ
Hear me singing lonely the blues of Tokyo at night